Be the life of any get together with the Party Ape, a fun and quirky plush monkey. Created from velboa fleece with long fiber accents, this textured critter includes vibrant purple hues and beige accents. Enjoy his large, child-safe embroidered eyes, contoured ears and paws, color matched nose, and oversized belly, the perfect place to show off your custom brand message or logo. Looking to customize this item? Custom orders include unlimited modifications and a free preproduction sample. Take advantage of our complimentary design consultation and design services, 30 years of experience, and lowest price guarantee!
- This is a custom plush. You can change the measurement, color theme, craftsmanship, and the logo decoration.
- Our plush is tested by a third party recognized in the USA for compliance with the CPSIA and ASTM F963. You can request the report when placing an order.